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What Shipping Methods Do You Offer?Updated a year ago

We offer standard shipping for $6.50 or free for orders with a subtotal over $35. Orders shipped via standard shipping are typically shipped within 24-48 hours and arrive in 5 to 7 business days. Delivery days are Monday through Friday, and orders will not be delivered on Saturday, Sunday, or Holidays.
 We also offer priority shipping for $11.50. Orders shipped via expedited shipping are typically shipped within 24-48 hours and arrive in 2-3 business days. Delivery days are Monday through Friday, and orders will not be delivered on Saturday, Sunday, or Holidays.

Our estimated delivery dates are based on data from thousands of past deliveries; however, there can be some slight variations and delays due to the postal system. We rely on third-party companies to deliver our packages within the time frame quoted. Standard shipping does not guarantee daily tracking updates or confirmed delivery date.

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